services: ldap: image:bitnami/openldap restart:always environment: -LDAP_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin -LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=secret# Change this in production! -LDAP_ROOT=dc=chaos,dc=io # For phpLDAPadmin compatibility -LDAP_PORT_NUMBER=389 -LDAP_LDAPS_PORT_NUMBER=636 volumes: -openldap:/bitnami/openldap networks: -traefik-net
ldapadmin: image:osixia/phpldapadmin restart:always environment: -PHPLDAPADMIN_LDAP_HOSTS=ldap # if configure https by traefik, you need to configure the following two lines # if not, remove them -VIRTUAL_HOST=ldap.x.internal -PHPLDAPADMIN_HTTPS=false networks: -traefik-net volumes: openldap:
networks: traefik-net: external:true
Note: In production, use Docker secrets or environment variables for sensitive information like passwords.
ldap.yml in dir dynamic-conf
You should touch ldap.yml in traefik dir dynamic-conf.
For much more information, please reference the Prerequisite.