Quick Start: Jenkins
Note: If using HTTP, remove the tls: {}
in dynamic configuration.
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| services: jenkins: image: jenkins/jenkins container_name: jenkins privileged: true user: root expose: - 8080 - 50000 restart: always extra_hosts: - gerrit.x.internal: - sonar.x.internal: - ldap.x.internal: volumes: - jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock environment: - TZ=Asia/Shanghai networks: - traefik-net
volumes: jenkins_home:
networks: traefik-net: external: true
jenkins.yml in dir dynamic-conf
You should touch jenkins.yml
in traefik dir dynamic-conf.
For much more information, please reference the Prerequisite.
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| http: routers: jenkins: rule: "Host(`jenkins.x.internal`)" service: "jenkins" tls: { }
services: jenkins: loadBalancer: servers: - url: "http://jenkins:8080"
DNS Configuration
Configure your DNS or modify your hosts file:
- For Unix-like systems: Edit
- For Windows: Edit
Add the following line:
| jenkins.x.internal
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| docker compose up -d # Alternative commands: # docker compose -p jenkins up -d # docker compose -f ./compose.yml -p jenkins up -d
Access: https://jenkins.x.internal