Let's understand what's lldp.




LLDP(Link Layer Discovery Protocol,链路层发现协议)就是在这样的背景下产生的,它提供了一种标准的链路层发现方式,可以将本端设备的主要能力、**管理地址
**、设备标识接口标识等信息组织成不同的TLV(Type/Length/Value,类型/长度/值),并封装在LLDPDU(LLDP Data Unit,链路层发现协议数据单元
)中发布给与自己直连的邻居,邻居收到这些信息后将其以标准MIB(Management Information Base,管理信息库)的形式保存起来,以供网络管理系统查询及判断链路的通信状况。

类似的还有Cisco Discovery Protocol, Foundry Discovery Protocol, Nortel Discovery Protocol, etc.

Frame Structure

LLDP的以太帧通常有DST MAC, SRC MAC, EtherType(0x88cc). 以及LLDPDU和FCS组成.

Ethernet Frame structure:

Preamble Destination MAC Source MAC Ethertype LLDPDU Frame check sequence
01:80:c2:00:00:0e, or 01:80:c2:00:00:03, or 01:80:c2:00:00:00 Station's address 0x88CC


Chassis ID TLV Port ID TLV Time to live TLV Optional TLV(s) End of LLDPDU TLV
Type=1 Type=2 Type=3 Optional TLV ...

TLV structures:

Type Length Value
7 bits 9 bits 0-511 octets

TLV type values:

TLV type TLV name Usage in LLDPDU
0 End of LLDPDU Mandatory
1 Chassis ID Mandatory
2 Port ID Mandatory
3 Time To Live Mandatory
4 Port description Optional
5 System name Optional
6 System description Optional
7 System capabilities Optional
8 Management address Optional
9–126 Reserved -
127 Custom TLVs Optional

Custom TLVs are supported via a TLV type 127. The value of a custom TLV starts with a 24-bit organizationally unique identifier and a 1 byte
organizationally specific subtype followed by data. The basic format for an organizationally specific TLV is shown below:

Type Length Organizationally unique identifier (OUI) Organizationally defined subtype Organizationally defined information string
7 bits—127 9 bits 24 bits 8 bits 0-507 octets

According to IEEE Std 802.1AB, §, "The Organizationally Unique Identifier shall contain the organization's OUI as defined in IEEE Std
802-2001." Each organization is responsible for managing their subtypes.

Work Mechanism


  • TxRx: 既发送也接收LLDP报文
  • Tx: 只发送LLDP报文
  • Rx: 只接收LLDP报文
  • Disable: 既不发送也不接收LLDP报文






当端口工作在TxRx或Rx模式时,设备会对收到的LLDP报文及其携带的TLV进行有效性检查,通过检查后再将邻居信息保存到本地,并根据TTL(Time To Live,生存时间)

H3C LLDP Information

LLDP wiki