// ldap connection // ldap-srv is your ldap service name in docker compose file $ldap_url = "ldap://ldap-srv:1389"; $ldap_binddn = "cn=admin,dc=chaos,dc=io"; $ldap_bindpw = "secret"; $who_change_password = "manager"; $ldap_base = "ou=users,dc=chaos,dc=io"; $ldap_filter = "(&(objectClass=person)(uid={login}))";
// password policy $hash = "auto"; $pwd_min_length = 12; $pwd_max_length = 30; $pwd_min_lower = 1; $pwd_min_upper = 1; $pwd_min_digit = 1; $pwd_min_special = 1; $pwd_special_chars = "^a-zA-Z0-9"; // This means special characters are all characters except alphabetical letters and digits. $pwd_no_special_at_ends = true; // Special characters are not allowed at the beginning or at the end of the password. $pwd_show_policy = "always"; // never, onerror, always $pwd_show_policy_pos = "above"; // above, below $show_extended_error = true;
// reset by mail tokens $use_tokens = true; $mail_address_use_ldap = true;
ssp.yml in dir dynamic-conf
You should touch ssp.yml in traefik dir dynamic-conf.
For Much more information, please reference the Prerequisite.